Council of North American Map Societies

Minutes of meeting of July 28, 2012 in Denver


Attending: Dennis Gurtz -Washington Map Society, John Docktor - CONAMS, Art Holzheimer – Chicago Map Society, Paul Mathias and Imre Demhardt – Soc. for the History of Discoveries, and Wes Brown – Rocky Mountain Map Society, Ray Wolf – Philadelphia map Society, Diane Powell – Texas Map Society and Phillips Map Society, Bill Warren – California Map Society


The meeting was called to order by President John Docktor and the group went around the table giving a status report of their local society, passing along new ideas, and identifying ways to cooperate.


Imre Demhardt brought forth a question about creating an active web-directory of the map collecting and research interest of map enthusiasts around the world. This would include name, interest, and contact information. It was thought that a questionnaire could be pushed out through map societies and professional associations; Imre volunteered to create a first draft of the questionnaire. Privacy issues were discussed along with the problem of who would host and staff such an endeavor. Diane thought it was possible the Phillips Society could host such a site but money for staffing was probably not available; she would check into it. The idea received a lengthy discussion without resolution or action items agreed to.


Imre reported that there is some activity creating an International Society for the History of the Map with a first meeting being held in Budapest. He reports the energy around this is generally young British academics who are trying to establish themselves in the world of academia.


Imre described an interest he had in organizing a map oriented tour of Germany primarily for American map enthusiasts. The group generally believed that there would be limited interest among their members.


Bill Warren discussed the upcoming SHD meeting in Pasadena California at the Huntington.


Bill Warren did not have anything new to offer the group for the activities of the California Map Society.


Diane Powell described the pending Garrett lectures and Fall Texas Map Society meeting scheduled for October 5th and 6th. The following May 2013 meeting will be in Stillwater, Oklahoma and will have an Indian Country theme.


Ray Wolf reported on the Philadelphia Map Society. Their first meeting was held at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, for a talk and demonstration of Colonial surveying equipment by Jeffrey Lock, antique surveying instrument craftsman, restorer and appraiser for Colonial Instruments restoration services. Their plan is to have a single evening program every other month starting at 5:30 PM. Currently there are no dues. At this point, they really just have a mailing list and do not have a physical home yet. Barbara Drebing Kauffman is the first President. The second program year, however, starts with a Saturday (September 29) field trip to The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania, located at Philadelphia City Hall. Curator Dennis Buttleman will lead a tour of the Masonic Library's maps, ephemera and a 1544 Bible map.


Art Holtzheimer described how the Chicago Map Society has been getting a few younger members. There are about nine monthly meetings per year; they take the summer months off. The meetings have fairly constant attendance. The retirement of Bob Karrow from the group is a bit of a blow but Jim Ackerman remains very involved.


Dennis Gurtz reported that the new President of the Washington Map Society will be J.C. McElveen. Currently membership is holding at about 400 members from 37 states and 27 countries. They hold about nine meetings and one excursion per year. Typically there are about 35 to 50 members at the meetings. Dennis reported the society tried to have a Wikipedia entry and this has been rejected. They are on Facebook making an effort to try to reach out to younger members. They have raised the dues to $45 per year or $120 for three years. This includes their renowned journal, the Portolan.


Recorded by Wes Brown, Secretary